The Strengthening Care Programme will support excellence in residential and foster care settings, with a focus on the knowledge and skills needed to provide purposeful and effective care to children and young people. This programme will unpack what is needed to create a home and become a parent that meets each individual child’s needs, that repairs damage, restores relationships and prepares each child for a successful adulthood.

We know that caring for someone else’s child brings with it a very significant responsibility and focus, and we should take it very seriously.

Each child needs us to fight for them, to jealously prioritise their needs and to go all out to make sure they are given every opportunity to live the life they would like.

Looking at care from the perspective of the child encourages us to always ask, ‘So what for the child?’ and to adjust our care appropriately. To be able to do that effectively we must have first understood the child’s past experiences and also their lived experience today. The children that we care for will have had a range of experiences, many of them adverse, that have left each child with a unique perspective on their world, and also a unique way of negotiating with, and understanding, their environment and the people around them.

“This programme will unpack what is needed to create a home and become a parent that meets each individual child’s needs, that repairs damage, restores relationships and prepares each child for a successful adulthood”.

Over six workshops we will explore the theory, knowledge and practice that helps us be the best parents and carers we can be. We will think about our individual, team and service wide responses to the child’s needs; we will learn together what it is that the children we care for need from us.

At Strengthening Practice, we understand that good outcomes for children are born out of relationships that work, and that is what we model. We will form good quality authentic relationships with programme participants that create space and safety to think about practice and to try out new ideas and approaches.


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