Drawn from our years of experience with local authorities and the wisdom shared by the social practitioners we’ve worked with, these toolkits will give you access to some of the most helpful insights we’ve gained and methods we’ve developed. We can help to support your practitioners and your organisation as you implement a strategy for positive change and drive constant improvement in your impact on the lives of children, young people and families.
Virtual NAAS
“Let us support you in optimising your knowledge of, and preparation for, the NAAS”.
Read our new Virtual NAAS brochure. All you need to know about using us to help with the National Assessment and Accreditation Scheme
KSS and NAAS Toolkit
When your practitioners are preparing for NAAS and AYSE assessments, we can support you staff’s knowledge and understanding of the Key Skills Statements that underpin these assessments – and help anchor those principles in your day-to-day practice.
Our resources, from posters to interactive masterclasses, will help you to deeply embed these principles in your practitioners’ thinking. Group masterclasses help them to rehearse and prepare , while coaching sessions for small pods help your staff to reflect on how the statements can drive constant improvement in your work. Your team managers can also find support on how to endorse and support candidates throughout the process.
Your practitioners, supervisors and practice leaders will love the resources at their fingertips. They can access short, engaging animations that discuss each Key Skills statement, and longer animations that drill down on each in detail. We also provide bright and informative posters that explain the NAAS and KSS and help to make those concepts an everyday part of your workplace – and card packs for study with each statement laid out in an easy-to access format.
Are your staff preparing for assessment? Let us know how we can support them.
Impact Toolkit
When you commission training, you always need an incredibly detailed view of the impact on your practitioners and organisation – and how this reflects in more helpful and effective work with children and families. Our Impact Toolkit begins at the first commissioning meetings and ends with a six-month follow-up after the completion of your programme – giving you frank and timely feedback so you can address issues as they arise and maximise the positive impact on your organisation and practice.
You’ll know how your staff first react to the training, how effectively they learn and absorb new skills throughout the programme, and how and whether this translates into strengthened practice and positive changes in outcomes for children and families. Implementing a combination of the ADKAR Model and Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model and utilising both qualitative and quantitative methods for gathering information, the impact toolkit gives you robust and useful methods for assessing results – from auditing case files to evaluating programmes and courses – and observing and tracking organisational change.
Would your organisation benefit from a clearer view of the impact training is making? Get in touch now and we’ll be happy to help.
Laterlife Toolkit
Financial advisors have a huge role to play in contributing to a resilient elder population.
When an aged person meets with you to share their worries and difficulties, how can you best offer them sound and ethical advice that considers all aspects of their life? This one-day workshop provides you with useful, evidence-informed tools, guided by your emotional wisdom to understand what’s driving people to make the decisions they make so you can work with them to build a plan that delivers security and resilience in later life.
Our problem definition tool helps you to shift your clients’ focus away from what’s not working to what’s working well, so you can establish the sources of support and resilience, then make a sound plan that takes a holistic view of the aged person and keeps them at the centre of every decision – helping make your decisions more ethical and more likely to result in a good outcome for them.
Could these toolkits be useful for your team? Get in touch to let us know how we can help.
Take 5 Toolkits
When we partner with your organisation, your staff gain access to a wealth of useful, thought-provoking resources that encourage them to reflect on their practice and actively seek out new perspectives on their work. Our Take 5 Toolkits are regular, short, focused and fascinating conversation-starters you can use to keep your staff curious and constantly improving.
It’s a perfect resource for short meetings and staff development sessions; each Take 5 is filled with insights and thought leadership, pointers to up-to-date literature and research, book suggestions and more. If there’s a particular topic where your practitioners could benefit from support, we can make a Take 5 toolkit to cover it.
Staff across your whole organisation will come away from each Take 5 Toolkit with a renewed energy and passion to be constantly curious and improving. Practitioners look forward to receiving their Take 5 with a contagious enthusiasm that translates into real positive change in the lives of the children and families they work with.
Get in touch and let us know what you’d most like to see covered in a Take 5 Toolkit.