How do we understand what is important to pay attention to in the remote world?
How are we translating what we hear or hear and see? How does the virtual experience differ from a face to face experience and what impact does that have on our assessment and the value of the information we gather? What cues are we attending to and which are we missing?
Information Gathering
Information Gathering Q&A
Next FREE webinar

The Virtually Assessed Series
Decision Making
If the purpose of an assessment is to find the best way to intervene in an issue, how do we ensure this is fair, purposeful and agreed? Have we all been able to understand the issue and explore the influencing factors fairly? Have we understood enough about people’s life experience to help them come to a decision about what change might be required? How has Covid affected your decision making? What do we need to be mindful of in the decision making process having undertaken a remote assessment?

Decision Making Q&A
Cost: Free
Date: 04.06.20
Time: 5pm